It’s been a little while since I’ve posted on my blog. If you follow me on instagram, you’ll know that we just moved! Moving with two kids is a lot harder than I expected! There's hardly time to pack and unpack when you are busy with two little ones! Now that we are couple months into the moving process, we are finally settling into our new home and getting back in routine.

I'm 100% obsessed with fall. My birthday is on September 30th, and I’ve always enjoyed celebrating by going on hayrides, picking apples, enjoying the crisp air, having bonfires, and getting excited for Halloween! Also, bring on all the pumpkin flavored goodies!
One of my favorite parts of fall is being able to get out and go on hikes again. During the summer we tend to stay by the water and keep cool, but as soon as the temperature drops we are out on the trails again! Our new home connects to a whole trail system that we are so excited to explore! Today, I’m sharing a free fall scavenger hunt to help encourage you and your families to get out and explore nature this fall!
For more fun fall activities check out my fall bundle in the shop!
Make sure to follow me on instagram @abalancedchildhood to keep up with all the fun fall activities we will be doing this season.